It seems like spring launch is so far away it’s not worth thinking about. But, is that really true?
Another boater recently posted on Facebook, “Only 20 Fridays until Boating Season.” Well, when you look at it that way, CRAP. I’ve got a lot to do.
I had an easy summer season this year. After my big repair last winter, when I repaired the leaking shaft log, there were very few pressing issues on the boat. Even after I moved onboard.
Of course, there were things to do. Especially since I moved onboard at the end of April. I needed to make the shower usable, a task I never considered before then. I also added a TV in the V-berth for late-night GoT binges.
Bot, other than the same stalling Starboard engine, I didn’t have anything that was so important I couldn’t put it aside until the weather warmed up. Besides, I had some settling in to do.
Living on a boat is an interesting experience. I always wanted to try it, especially as my desire for material belongings continued to wane. All I really wanted was the peace and quiet, little or no responsibilities, and the same for bills.
So, I spent the summer enjoying the boat and the water. I ran other people’s vessels, doing deliveries around the State of Michigan including long-distance boat deliveries, and ran boats up the Lake Huron side to bring down the Lake Michigan coastline to their new owners.
I also continued to teach new boaters how to operate their vessels. I love to teach people how to drive a boat. I love to see the light bulb above their heads go off when they learn to dock and get it right. I also enjoy teaching people about their boat’s systems.
That stuff kept me busy all summer and I left any unnecessary projects for the offseason. But now, as I write about buying a used boat and getting it surveyed for Michigan Blue Magazine and prepare another boat test for Lakeland Boating magazine, I realize just how soon the new boating season will be upon us.
So, as we close in on Christmas of 2019, celebrate with friends and family. Enjoy the Christmas and Holiday season and eat yourself into a coma.
Then, get ready. Summer will be here before you know it!