Can’t believe it’s been so long since I posted something. It’s been a tough couple of years – with two major family deaths, a new boat, two major back surgeries, and the economy of course. However, things are looking up. The second back surgery looks like it may have fixed the issues, life is slowly creeping back to some normalcy after the second parent-in-law passed away, and the new boat boat will be in the slip shortly. Well, new old boat of course. She’s a 1982 Catalina 30 footer with a diesel engine and lots of goodies. I searched for months to find a good deal and this is where I ended up. It’s been a strange transition from power to sail, but I get more comfortable with the decision every day. Especially when I drive past the gas dock. With the 25 foot power boat I burned about $1500 in gas a year. With the sailboat I burned about $40 last year and this year looks the same.
Because of the last surgery on my back I have not been able to do any deliveries so I don’t have any good stories or info. However, things are healing well and I expect to be back out there soon, so check back for more.