Cruising to Iowa in 36 Feet of Cruisers Inc Motoryacht
I’m not sure why but I’ve had more calls for on-water deliveries already this year than any other early season. I’ve had people calling me from all over the Midwest to relocate boats to places like Iowa. And yes, it is possible, although I did have to look that up. Across the lake, down the Illinois River to St. Louis where it connects to the Mississippi, then North to the boating capital of Iowa.
It looks like that have some great boating up there, and if they can enjoy a 36 footer I have to say there’s more water there than I ever would have realized. I’m a bit nervous about the Mississippi section of the voyage but at least I’m going up to the part that has a lot lighter commercial traffic. I think that’s a good way to start out.
There were a few tweaks to get the boat up to snuff, but nothing major. The first test run turned up some water in the fuel, but hopefully it’s just some condensation and new filters will sort that out. The last thing I need is an engine to stall while I’m waiting for a lock transit. Those tugs and barges don’t mess around, you need to be ready to move if they get squirrely.
The boat is fueled up, I’ve got my supplies ready, and if the weather plays nice it’ll be time to hit the water on Friday. Leaving Saugatuck I’ll head for Chicago, then spend the night at Hammond Marina. Refuel the next morning, then down the river to the town of Ottawa. If all goes well I’ll lay up there and then get ready for Phase Two.
Everything depends on the weather, especially this time of year. Since things can get ugly fast the whole trip comes down to the forecast Friday morning and how accurate that looks while I’m standing on the dock. We’ll just have to wait and see.
There is nowhere I would rather be than out of sight of land. Hopefully I’ll get some open water time on Friday. More on boat preparations, the importance of a solid sea trial still seems to be up for debate.
Personally, it’s the most critical part of any spring launch or trip preparations.
Stay safe…